Position No 906
Position Network Engineers -Wellington
Location Wellington
Position Type Permanent

{\134rtf1\134ansi\134deff0{\134fonttbl{\134f0\134fnil\134fcharset0 Arial;}}
\134viewkind4\134uc1\134pard\134lang1033\134b\134fs18 Network Engineers -Wellington\134b0\134par
In just a decade our client has progressed from being a nimble start-up to a trend-setting telecommunications infrastructure company - a movement that has happened nearly as quickly as the speed with which its network now pulses through the North and South Islands. Due to this continued progression they are seeking Network Engineers, who are looking to build their careers within an organisation that is committed to the development of its people.\134par
This company offers solutions around high-performance Internet, Ethernet, fibre, voice and storage services to business and the ISP industry through-out New Zealand\134par
While the technical aspects of the position are paramount, your ability to perform as an effective team member, excellent communication skills and your keenness to pick up new technologies are also very important prerequisites.\134par
\134\04785\134\04785 we are keen to know more about your career aspirations, experience, achievements and motivation to excel as a Network Engineer. \134par
\134b To register your interest please call Jan on 630 8811 or email your CV \134b0\134par