Position No 900
Position Infrastructure Solutions Engineer
Location Auckland
Position Type Permanent

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\134viewkind4\134uc1\134pard\134fi-1000\134li1000\134cf1\134lang5129\134b\134f0\134fs20 Infrastructure Solutions Engineer\134b0 - \134par
Network and Telecommunications. You will provide technical engineering \134par
services to design, deploy and support infrastructure solutions within the \134par
technology environment. \134par
You must have strong Cisco Unified Communications and Cisco Call Manager \134par
deployment experience along with cisco networking experience including WAN/LAN, \134par
TCPIP and network administration. \134par
For more information, please email your CV to info@ritefit.co.nz or call Jan on 630 8811 for a friendly confidential chat\134cf0\134lang1033\134f1\134par